Blame Someone Else for Your Mistakes! This one goes out to the guy I heard yelling at a store clerk this weekend because their store was out of something he wanted. Well done, sir! It’s definitely the clerk’s fault for not realizing that you would be coming in ten days after everyone else. The entire sales staff should have been aware of your desires and stockpiled items in anticipation of your arrival. Shame on them!
Don’t Hold the Door Open! It’s a tiny issue, but little things can aggregate. In this case, a woman was obviously in such a hurry, and so focused on doing whatever it is she had to do, that she effectively shut the mall door in my face. Did I get upset? Not really. But if she and I worked together, I might be consider taking all the paper out of her printer.
Leave Trash Everywhere! And now we have a giant shout-out to approximately 30% of the people at the mall this weekend, There’s a reason they put trash cans every 20 feet – because the food court is not actually a restaurant with busboys. And neither is your office breakroom, but don’t let that stop you from cluttering it up with pizza crusts and old coffee grounds. Put some thought into it, and you can make your breakroom look like a Jackson Pollack painting, and those things are worth millions.