Innovation Article by Jeff Havens

How Our Best Ideas Come To Us

Everyone everywhere is interested in innovation.  Of the various keynote addresses that I’ve created over the years, my Uncrapify Your Future! keynote on innovation is easily the most popular.  And I understand why.  Coming up with solutions to problems, or taking advantage of possible opportunities, is one of the key drivers of success, both professionally…

What You Can Learn From a Pig Farmer

What You Can Learn from Pig Farmers and Pharmacies

One of the things I’ve always enjoyed about my job is the opportunity to meet people living in places I would otherwise probably never go, doing things I know almost nothing about.  It’s given me a chance to see a much broader cross-section of the world than I think most jobs allow for, and my…

striving for consensus

Is Striving For Consensus Keeping You From Moving Forward?

Recently my wife and I were in Barcelona, visiting her family and 87 of their closest friends.  (Not quite, but there were a lot of people.)  We were outside, it was a beautiful day, and it was time to decide where to have dinner.  The only thing everyone agreed on was that we wanted to…