overcoming impostor syndrome

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is one of the most insidious challenges to our mental well-being.  In case you aren’t familiar with the phrase (although I’m guessing you are), impostor syndrome is a fairly common phenomenon in which individuals doubt their abilities and/or feel like they don’t deserve their accomplishments.  Put another way, you think you’re in over…

the most important sentence in leadership

The Most Important Sentence in Leadership

At its most basic, effective leadership consists of two key components.  One of them is the human element – that’s the part where you’re showing and telling the people who work for you that you’re glad they’re there.  This is the piece of leadership that gets the most attention, because there are an endless number…

Setting and Changing Goals

Why We Sometimes Give Up On Our Goals (And Why That’s OK)

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut.  I also wanted to be a builder (which was my Lego-inspired term for ‘construction worker’), and I also wanted to dig up dinosaurs. I have done none of those things, and it’s perfectly OK.  I chose a different path, and I’m happy with it. …

positive thinking jeff havens

Reimagining the Power of Positive Thinking

Everybody’s heard of the power of positive thinking – and if you’re like me, then the phrase is vaguely annoying.  “So I’m just supposed to think happy thoughts and everything will magically work out?”  That’s kind of how it’s presented, but life doesn’t exactly work that way.  For example, I once had a happy thought…

The Upside of Catastrophe

The Upside of Catastrophe

I’m not saying anything especially ground-breaking when I say that the last several months have been catastrophic for just about everyone.  There’s the pandemic, obviously.  But that’s not the only catastrophe I’m referring to.  There’s the murder of George Floyd in broad daylight on a busy street, which was not the first time a person…

how to respond to a crisis

How Should You Respond To A Crisis? 

Ah, crisis. It’s a fun word to say, but that’s the only fun thing about it. Crisis brings massive uncertainty, and we generally don’t deal well with that. Besides, crises often bring the potential for something significantly negative without offering the potential for something positive. We call it risk when things might end well but…