Jeff Havens is a speaker, author, and professional development expert who tackles leadership, generational, and professional development issues with an exceptional blend of content and entertainment. He is a contributing writer to Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal; and has been featured on CNBC and Fox Business. For more information, or to bring Jeff to your next meeting, contact Donna Buttice at Platinum Speakers Agency at 630.330.7533.
It’s a new year and as usual, everyone is resolving to lose the extra pounds from all of the pie they ate over the holidays. Fitness experts will tell you there is no easy way to lose weight. They are liars. All you have to do is go to the moon. Once I step off…
Who says one of the most motivational people in the world can’t also be funny? As Martin Luther King day approaches, everyone is going to talk about his impact on the world, so I thought we should talk about something nobody else will – that he also knew how to make people laugh. Watch and…
So it’s New Year’s resolution time, and everyone’s trying to figure out how to have a better year than last year. For myself, I’ve decided to learn French, and I’m going to continue my longstanding policy of not poking sharks. I have a lot of faith in the not-shark-poking one working out, but I’m not…
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It’s a brand new year and in order to make this year the best ever, I resolve to get the best job ever. I want to be the official state person. There’s a state bird, a state flower, a state fish, and a state insect, so I figured there may as well be a state…
All in all, I’d say 2013 was a great year, if for no other reason than because I ate a larger-than-average-for-me number of kiwis. I hope you have similarly fond remembrances of last year. However, there are a few events in 2013 that I would not mind never experiencing again. So, in an effort to…
Congrats Misty! Your copy of How To Get Fired! will arrive soon. Thanks to everyone who captioned our holiday photo, the submissions were hilarious, as usual! Want to get an email when we have another caption contest? Sign up here.
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Welcome to a brand new year! Last year is dead to me. So let’s figure out how to make this year the best you’ve ever had. And we’ll start with picking fun New Year’s resolutions. One of mine is to be more adventurous. Yes, I actually did stick my tongue on the pole, and yes…
Now that it really is Christmas and not December 23rd, Merry Christmas to all and to all some good laughs! And what are you doing on my blog? Go spend some time with our loved ones already and I don’t mean on Facebook!