You want to have an awesome year? You want people to seethe with envy that they aren’t you? You want strangers to pause as they walk past you, or maybe even walk into trees and parked cars because they were so busy staring at you that they forgot to watch where they were going? More importantly, do you want to enjoy your job rather than watch it slowly suck the life out of your face like a halogen vampire?
Then do any one of these things. Or do all eight, which will take you a total of 15 minutes to accomplish. Remember, happy people get raises!
1. If your commute to work is a constant source of irritation, download some podcasts or go to the library and get some books on CD. You may as well do something fun while you’re wondering why so many people don’t feel comfortable turning right on red.
2. Say the word muffin a few times. You’ll instantly feel better, I guarantee it. For more happy words, check out my blog post Happy-Sounding Words To Make You Happy.
3. Turn off your email alerts on your computer for an hour and see how amazing it feels. Your email can wait for an hour, and all those stupid alerts just distract you from doing ACTUAL work.
4. Get rid of your fake office plants and get a real one instead. I’m pretty sure that fake office plants only reinforce the notion that you’re never going to see the sun ever again.
5. Organize one thing in your house to save time when you’re getting ready for work in the morning. You could save several minutes a day if you don’t have to search for your toothpaste – and that’s several minutes you can more productively spend flopping around in bed.
6. Bring a healthy snack to share to the office. Bonus points if you bring something you actually enjoy eating rather than some old fiber crackers you found in the back of your pantry while you were cleaning.
7. Make someone in your office a fake certificate. “Best Person Ever,” for example, or “Most Capable of Making the Sweatervest Look Amazing”.
8. Draw a family picture to hang up in your cube. Bonus points if you make it look like a child’s drawing and you don’t happen to have any children.
And I’ll bet at least one of these is making you smile already. See? Look how easy it is to be happy!
They will sure help , thanks
I am Happy cause I am saying MUFFIN MUFFIN MUFFIN xD