Hi All,
Just wanted to let you know that I will be promoting my latest book and college lecture How to get Fired!: The New Employees Guide to Perpetual Unemployment on WMBD 31- Peoria on February 24th.
It’s a two-and-a-half minute interview, but I neglected to ask which two-and-a-half minutes out of the one thousand four hundred forty minutes of the day they actually are. So I recommend you watch that channel non-stop, all day long. If you are truly as industrious as I know you are, you’re already fashioning a makeshift bathroom out of an old couch cushion and hoarding food in that elastic pocket on the side of your reclining easy chair so you won’t miss it. I have faith in you.
Hint: 6:20a.m.-ish.
(I find it sad when I read a blog that has no comments, so here you go. Fell the Love)
Jeff Havens will also be on my AM radio show on WBNQ after 8am February 24th. The dress code requirements are not as strict on radio as TV, but we do have a smell code HR finds hard but not impossible to enforce. As long as you have showered in the last 7 days or found that Fabreeze really does make your clothes smell fresher after 7 wearings without a wash, you will be fine.
For your extensive list of blog followers, everyone can listen live on 101.5FM or online at WBNQ.com.
Last I checked, there was still not a toll booth on the route between Peoria and Bloomington, so you can just pass me 75 cents when you arrive and I will send it to the appropriate parties.